viewed at 800x600 or greater resolution.
Set your browser to at least
the width of the " frame" around the text area.
t e s w e
d i e f o r . . .
Since how any
web site or web page (this one included) ultimately looks to the end-user
depends on the browser and the computer system displaying it, creating
web pages is a balance of loading speed, beauty, and effectiveness.
And, from the viewer's
point of view, the way their browser and system are configured has a lot
to do with whether what they are seeing is anything like what the designer
OK, So here's our essay
. . .
Thoughts on Web Page Standards
at C-NPR, we've spent a lot of time reviewing popular sites, and we have
developed a series of standards we believe create the most useful mix on
the largest number of browsers.
In other words (like with
darts), we go for the big middle.
That said, here are some
of the standards we (and a lot of other web page designers) tend to start
with -
Monitor Resolution / Screen Size - 800 x 600 resolution
or greater
Number of Colors - 65,536 colors or 16 bit color
Font Sizes - Windows - Smallest you're comfortable
Macintosh - 12 pt. for Netscape and either
Small or Smallest for Explorer
Windows Taskbar - Set it to cover the smallest
amount of screen space possible
Of course, one could accuse
us of being a bit elitist - high color counts and a minimum
of 800 pixels wide for the screen design.
does that leave all of us with rudimentary systems still running 640 pixel
wide screens?" they could say.
Well, they're right;
web pages designed to our standards will be tough to see on a minimal or
incorrectly configured system - graphics will run off the screen
or not load right, word wrap will clunk up text, and the page
look very pretty, certainly not much like the designer intended.
Our decision is a simple one - try to be backwardly compatible but assume
that more and more people will have appropriate systems as time goes by.
And the truth is, these are conservative standards that will be OK for
the next couple of years, but they'll be obsolete too.
Like we said at the top,
here, we shoot for the big middle - where most of us are.
Browser Set-Up Suggestions
First, if you're (still)
Windows 3.x, click your System
Setup icon, click on Options,
and see what video driver you are using. If it's 600x800 (or more) and
16-bit color (Hi-color"), Great. If it's something like 640x480 with
just 16 or 256 colors, then scroll through the list of possible drivers
and see if there is one with a higher resolution and/or color depth.
If there is, click on it and see if it's already in your system (it often
is). If it's there, load it. And - MAGIC!
- when you restart Windows, you'll have more screen acreage and a better-looking
The process is similar in Windows 95/98. Click
button and select Settings
and then Control Panel.
Once you get to the Control Panel,
click on the Display
icon and then to the Settings tab
Once there you should make sure the the Desktop
Area slider is set to at least to 800x600
or more. If it's not, do so. And set the color pallette to at least 256
colors - and preferable more. Once you do
that, click OK and restart Win95/98. Your browser will now display pages
better than before. (If the slider won't "stay"
where you put it or the and other higher resolutions nare "greyed out,"
your video card does not support these resolutions. Sorry!)
Second, open your browser's
box (it's in different places and may have different names in different
brand browsers) and make sure that you click whatever buttons allow the
browser to display the web page as received.
And unclick any buttons that force the browser to use your colors or some
other default color-set when displaying pages. After all, what you
want to see is what the designer wanted you to see - not some pre-set collection
of hues.
(P.S. If you got
here from the Soho Center's Home Page for information about
setting your screen drivers, CLICK
HERE to get back to the Soho Center's
Home Page.
Or. stay awhile and take a look
at what we're doing here at C-NPR.
- or "Time is Money"
F I R S T R E A S O N :
Dancing buttons and a
lot of the other stuff we see on the Web rarely have much to do with the
content of the web site (like, what, really now, do those silly little
flashing green LEDs over to the left have to do with this otherwise serious
discussion?). In the video world there's a bad habit (much used by
novice clients) that we call "playing switcher games." That's where
someone sees how many video effects they can pack and layer into a show
- regardless of whether they help understanding or not. Logos fly
in, letters extrude, images flash and whirl. Oh, my.
We see a lot of the same
lathering on of interesting but largely irrelevant visual elements on the
Web. And we don't much like it. We assume that a person interested
in a particular web site is there to gain information. And the easier
they can get that information, the better. We feel our job is to
build an effective site, not entertain the casual visitor who happens to
stumble by.
S E C O N D R E A S O N :
The more graphics and
animation there is on a web page, the slower the page loads - often a LOT
Some of the problem comes from how pages get
built. You sit with a web designer and you watch your page grow on
their screen. Make a change and - PRESTO - up pops the new version.
Trouble is, sitting there with the designer, you benefit from a direct
link between the editor's screen, the computer's cache, and the keyboard
or mouse. The way your page displays has NOTHING to do with the way it
will load out in the real world when that page and all its complex graphics
support files squeeze and ooze through even a 56k modem (to say nothing
of what happens if the viewer is using 14.4k or even 9,600 baud modem.
And yes, there some of them still out there). |
So, Never
Any Animation?
Well . . . No.
We do do what's needed (or what we're asked to do). After
all, it is the client's page. And even our own On
page has a bit of animation (the "On-Air"
What we try to do in developing animations
is to create an animation that is physically small or one that has as few
steps in it as possible - or both. Each of these considerations helps
limit the file size of the finished element and that translates directly
into how long it takes to download and display in some person's browser
out there in what's laughingly referred to as cyber-space.
The "On-Air"
animation, for example, is a simple two-step animation. We even created
it with a master background (the un-lit sign w/box) and then built the
second step with only the lit sign field (sans box) positioned properly
over the first element. That saved a few more bytes since the second
step didn't have to download the part that the first element (the overall
graphic) already put into the browser's cache.
To see the "On-Air"
animation box click here
(And remember to use your browser's BACK
to return!)
To see yet one more interesting animation we
created for one of our client, something we call Fill
the Piggy-Bank, click
(And, again, remember to use your browser's BACK
to return! )
For the sake of this discussion, we also created
a "sand-storm"animation
out of the Soho Center's CHILD/2000
logo (which we designed for them). The effect is somewhat trivial
- a logo builds up out of random dots until the whole logo is complete.
The effect happens in 20 discrete steps - each of which has to first get
to you and your browser. The 20 steps take about 3 minutes to download
if you have a 28.8 modem and a good server. Once it's all loaded
it runs repeatedly from your cache.
To see the Sand
Storm Animation effect (and see how much
longer something like this to download), click here
(Like before, use your browser's BACK button to return. And, if
you get sick of waiting for the whole thing to load, we won't be offended
if you hit your browser's STOP Button and come back.)
To give you a sense of the differences between
these two examples, the "On-Air"
animation is 29,061 bytes in size and the CHILD/2000
is 455,210 bytes. That makes it about 15 times as big - and (as you
now know from the wait) it will take about 15 times as long to download.
Which gets us back to the point we're making
- if you wanted a complex animation element on your page, it had
better be worth (in this case) 15 times as much - because you're
asking your viewer to hang around 15 times as long while your animation
is making its way from your server to their browser.
We Test What We Do
We upload everything
to our server, clear our system cache, and call up the site we're building.
It's a sobering thing to see what the rest of the world has to put up with
to get to the "jewels" - it's something more designers and more clients
ought to do.
Here at C-NPR we get to the web with a very
standard Hewlett-Packard 266 mHz Pentium II machine with 64 MB of RAM,
a 3Com 56k modem (that only runs at 45.3k because of our rural phone service),
and both Netscape Communicator (Version 4.74) and Internet Explorer 5.x
browsers. There are sites whose home pages take over three minutes
to load - and we have a fast server! If that's the sort of
site you want to build, OK - but you better hope your potential visitor
wants to see what you have to say - and forget snagging the casual drop-by.
More thoughts some time soon . . .